Mark Perry, reader in computer science at Brunel University, says there is a pattern in tech companies 'development, shared by Linked 173; In. 布鲁内尔大学(BrunelUniversity)计算机科技教授马克•佩里(MarkPerry)称,科技公司的发展有一个模式,领英也不例外。
Mark Abley's "Spoken Here" takes the reader on an enjoyable tour of threatened languages. 马克?阿贝的《这儿的人说》能够带领读者们对这些濒危语言进行了一次愉快的旅行。
Research on optical mark card reader based on blur Hit-Miss transform 基于模糊Hit-Miss变换的信息填涂卡识别方法研究
Mark New is a Reader in climate science at the University of Oxford and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, United Kingdom. MarkNew是英国牛津大学和丁铎尔气候变化研究中心的气候科学讲师。
Eventually, having bludgeoned the reader to death with detail, the report lets slip that Mark Hurd, who quit last year after a scandal, got$ 12m in cash plus a load of shares as a going-home present. 直到最后,报告才在无意中告诉已被各种细节砸晕的读者,去年因丑闻辞职的马克赫德(MarkHurd)拿了1200万美元现金外加大量股票,作为回家的礼物。
An Automatic Reader for Handwritten Forms Optical Mark Reader ( OMR) and Computer Paper Check 手写光学表格自动阅读机用于计算机阅卷的光标阅读器(OMR)与计算机阅卷
By the analysis of the Gospel of Mark, we try to find out how the author express the concept of resurrection, and what the influence to the first reader was, who the community of Mark was. 文章试图通过对《马可福音》文本的分析,来发现福音书的作者究竟是如何来表达他的复活观念,而他所表达的复活观念对于当时的读者而言,可能会有什么样的影响。
This paper designs the system of evaluating teaching based on the application of optical mark reader ( OMR) in assistant education, resolves some technique keys such as interface of software and hardware according to format language of OMR. 针对光学标记阅读机(OMR)在辅助教学中的应用,开发和设计了评教系统软件,解决了软件设计过程中基于OMR格式语言的软硬件接口等技术关键。
Optical mark reader ( OMR) system can be used to achieve these aspects. 光电阅读机(OMR)的使用就可以达到上述要求。
At present, there are two solutions: one is the use of special optical mark reader ( referred to as OMR), another is the use of high-speed scanners. 目前解决方案有两种:一种是使用专用的光学标记阅读机(简称OMR),另外一种是使用高速扫描仪。